The Denver Post‘s special weekly insert “Your Hub” included an article and photo of True’s granddaughter Victoria Tupper Kirby’s visit to Denver’s Steele Elementary School to see five large murals that True painted around 1930 on three walls in the kindergarten room. The murals depict children playing by the seaside and a wonderful two-part parade of animals and children.
Kirby was in Denver on a book tour to promote Allen Tupper True: An American Artist, the biography of her grandfather written by her mother Jere True and herself and to attend festivities around the openings of Allen True’s West, three exhibitions of the life and work of True on display at the Denver Art Museum, Colorado History Museum and the Main Public Library. She also attended a party at the Brown Palace Hotel to celebrate the premiere of an hour-long PBS special, also titled Allen True’s West, that aired on KBDI-Channel 12 October 1. Kirby learned about the murals at Steele just before the biography was printed, so she was able to write briefly about their existence in the Epilogue, but could not include photos.
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