The Delaware Art Museum presents On Assignment: American Illustration, 1850 – 1950, featuring over 50 paintings and drawings from the Museum’s nationally recognized collection of original illustrations, on view now through January 2, 2011. These works demonstrate the range of styles and subjects that characterized illustrations in American books and magazines from the mid-19th to the mid-20th century. […]

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The Colorado Broadcasters Association has presented KBDI PBS – Colorado Public Television’s documentary Allen True’s West the 2009 Award for Excellence for best Mini-Documentary or Series.  For those who live in the Denver area, you can see the program when KBDI rebroadcasts it on Tuesday, March 23 at 9 pm on Channel 12/12.1 The DVD […]

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Victoria on March 7th, 2010

John Andrews has written in the March 7th  issue of the Denver Post his impressions of the current exhibit (closing March 28) of True’s work at the Denver Art Museum.  He certainly has an interesting perspective. Here is the link to his article:

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