The Denver Art Museum’s Petrie Institute of Western American Art in concert with the Colorado Historical Museum and the Denver Public Library’s Western History and Genealogy Department will present a collaborative Denver exhibition running October 2, 2009 through March 28, 2010, featuring the work of Colorado artist Allen Tupper True (1881-1955). In conjunction with the exhibition, Colorado Public Television, has produced a documentary on True’s life and work. The Trust for Museum Exhibitions will tour a select portion of Allen True’s West through 2013.
The works are organized according to genre. Illustrations from True’s early period while studying under Howard Pyle will be located in the fifth floor lobby of the Denver Public Library’s Western History and Genealogy department. The easel paintings inspired by visits to Taos and backpack trips in Colorado will be displayed in the Gates Gallery, second floor of the Denver Art Museum’s Hamilton Building. True’s largest body of work was his murals which, alongside biographical information, will be featured in the Colorado History Museum.
Educational programming for the exhibition includes a walking tour map of True’s murals in the downtown area. A bus tour of True’s murals and studio will take place in November, a brown bag lunch with curator Peter Hassrick will be offered in December and a curator-led tour of the three venues will take place in January.
Three publications, Western Passages, Colorado Heritage and a Denver Public Library special edition magazine will feature articles and catalogues on True’s art. The publications will be available at each of the host venues.
October 2, 2009 through March 28, 2010
Seeing Allen True’s West:
Allen True’s West is a three-part exhibition, and visitors are encouraged to visit all three venues. The Denver Public Library and Colorado History Museum have no admission fee. The Denver Art Museum includes the exhibition in general admission, and tickets should be purchased directly from DAM.
Colorado History Museum
The Colorado History Museum, located at 1300 Broadway in Denver, is a History Colorado site. Open Monday-Saturday, 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. and Sunday noon-5 p.m. History Colorado is the public programs, services, statewide museums and historic sites of the Colorado Historical Society. The Colorado Historical Society was established in 1879 and is headquartered at the Colorado History Museum. In addition to History Colorado, the Colorado Historical Society contains the Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation, the Stephen H. Hart Research Library, and administers the State Historical Fund—a preservation-based grants program funded by limited stakes gaming tax revenues. For more information, visit www.coloradohistory.org or call 303-866-3682.
Denver Public Library
Open daily; closed on major holidays. Denver’s award-winning Library features a whimsical Children’s Library, Summer of Reading programs, storytimes, public computers and cultural programming for children and adults. DPL holds world-class Western History materials including art, maps, rare books and manuscripts. For more information, visit www.denverlibrary.org or call 720-865-1111. DAM Tickets
Denver Art Museum
Museum hours are Tuesday through Thursday 10 a.m.–5 p.m., Friday 10 a.m.–10 p.m., Saturday 10 a.m.–5 p.m., Sunday noon–5 p.m. The Museum is closed to the public every Monday. For general Museum information, visit www.denverartmuseum.org or call 720-865-5000.
Allen True’s West is included in general admission to the museum. Tickets can be purchased at the Museum during normal business hours, or online 24 hours a day at www.denverartmuseum.org. For information in Spanish, call 720-913-0169. A $1 per ticket service fee will be added to online orders.
The Denver Art Museum is located on 13th Avenue between Broadway and Bannock streets, just south of Civic Center. Parking is available in the Cultural Complex Garage; enter at 12th Avenue west of Broadway.
Adult and student groups of 10 or more can save time and money on visits to the DAM. Two weeks advance reservation is required. Please email groupsales@denverartmuseum.org for more information.
DAM General Admission: CO Residents Others
Members Free Free
Adults $10 $13
Seniors (65+)
& College Students $8 $10
Youth (6–18) $3 $5
Kids (0–5) Free Free
Exhibit Organizers
Allen True’s West is a collaborative effort between the Denver Art Museum, the Colorado History Museum and the Denver Public Library. The Trust for Museum Exhibitions is organizing the touring exhibit.
Traveling Exhibition
Confirmed venues as of July 2009:
Nicolaysen Art Museum & Discovery Center: April-July 2010
Sangre de Cristo Arts Center: August-October 2010
Colorado Springs Fine Arts Center: November 2010 -Jan 2011
Hubbard Museum of the American West: June-August 2011
Museum of the Rockies, Montana State University: Fall 2011
Exhibition Sponsors
Allen True’s West is presented by the Denver Art Museum in association with the Colorado History Museum and the Denver Public Library. This exhibition is sponsored by the True Foundation. Additional support has been provided by the JFM Foundation, Edith Marbut, Tom and Jane Petrie, Raymond and Sally Duncan, Crimson Resource Management, Leptas Foundation, Rob and Julie Lewis, Redd Foundation, Bruce and Dorothy Dines, Jim and Lucy Wallace, Alan and Carol Ann Olson, Joan True McKibben, Mr. and Mrs. Will F. Nicholson Jr., David Cook Fine Arts Galleries and Mr. and Mrs. Barton M. Johnson. We also recognize the generosity of the citizens who support the Scientific and Cultural Facilities District and the donors to the DAM Annual Fund Leadership Campaign.
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