Denver’s Colorado Public Television – KBDI-PBS produced an hour-long documentary on Allen Tupper True’s life, times and artistic achievements, titled Allen True’s West. It first aired October 1, 2009, on KBDI during the opening week of the three exhibitions of True’s work at the Denver Art Museum, Main Public Library and Colorado History Museum. As a young illustrator, Allen Tupper True forged a vision of the American West that was at once romantic and realistic. KBDI’s Allen True’s West showcases the life and art of Colorado’s foremost muralist, whose later work captured the character of a region in transition from wild frontier to the modern West. It includes shots of his major murals in their architectural settings, many of his easel paintings and illustrations, as well as photographs True took of Native Americans, cowboys, surveyors, lumbermen and other Western pioneers and settlers. The program also includes interviews with renowned curator and Western art expert Peter Hassrick, Missouri historian Robert Priddy, Allen True’s daughter Edith True Marbut and granddaughter Victoria Tupper Kirby. This is a perfect gift for anyone interested in the history of the West and Western art.

ORDER THE DVD NOW from KBDI-PBS for $19.95 plus tax and shipping:
Colorado Public Television 12
2900 Welton Street, Denver CO 80205
tel: 303-296-1212; web:

You may stream the video at this URL:
Complimentary copies of Allen True’s West DVDs are available for schools, universities and libraries. Inquires should be made to KBDI PBS at 303 296-1212.

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